Ulmelisi lühijutte Iain M. Banksilt (sealt siis see M). Mõni toimib tema Kultuuri-maailmas, a mitte kõik.
Ääretult tore oli lugeda, aga ühtlasi oli näha, et tegemist oli 12-15-aastase Tõnise ideaalkirjandusega. Tahaks Võõramat Võõrast - tulnukad olid täpselt nagu inimesed, liigagi ja kohutavalt.
Umbes kümne novelli peale vist ainult 2, mis olid tegelikult päris head. Paar olid isegi päris kesised, a otseselt ülihalbu polnud.
Goodreadsis on keegi Lauren, kellega olen täiesti nõus juttude arvestuse poolest:
A couple thoughts on the individual stories:
Road of Skulls - I felt like this wasn't quite long enough or focused enough.
Gift From the Culture - I liked this one. Kind of a little slice of
life showing someone who has left the culture for something much more
gritty. (See oli üks headest)
Odd Attachment - I liked this one until the very end. I
honestly think it got a little juvenile. The end didn't need to be that
cheap. (Tobe puänt, kuid omamoodi okei)
Descendant - This was my favorite story in the book. It was well paced and interesting. (Ja see tekitas mõnusa hoopis teistsuguse laine. Silmitsiseismine endaga, mis oli suurepärane.)
Cleaning Up - I thought this was an amusing premise.
- Classic SF with the ending that makes you grin. I do think too many
stories in this book focused on philosophical ramblings about religion,
The State of the Art - The longest story in the book. I
like the idea. I like the base story. This story was the WORST offender
for just waxing philosophical and being boring. (Liiane - kunagi pakkus huvi see lugu, kus Kultuur puutub kokku Maaga, kuid ära nähes jäi ikkagi pigem meh-tunne. Ebavajalik arutlus sellest, kas utoopia on tore asi või mitte.)
Scratch - I found this difficult to read, and not interesting. (Ma heitsin pilgu peale ja nägin, et selline eksperimenteerimine ei huvita Banksi puhul. Võib-olla ülekohtune hinnang...)
So to sum up, I feel like there was more bad than good in this book. Definitely not my favorite compilation of short stories.
Selline lugu.